How to get the best out of our products
Premium Quality
We bring the best meat from all over the world straight to your freezer. It’s no ordinary meat. We would like to share some advice to get the best out of your burgers, steaks and carpaccio.

How… to defrost
your burger?
Although not essential, it’s best to defrost before you start cooking the burgers.
How… to server
your steak?

How… to get the best
out of your steak?
We bring the best meat from all over the world straight to your freezer. So you probably want to keep all the flavors and juices in the burgers. To achieve that, it’s important to be gentle when frying the burgers. Try not to squish or flatten them and flip the burgers only once. Don’t overcook them or the burgers will dry out. Weather permitting, fry the burgers on a BBQ to give them a nice authentic smoky flavor. Using the grill is also a good option.
Extra advice: if you’re eating the burger on a bun, fry the bun first for a truly tasty experience!

# These guidelines are for defrosted burgers. If you are preparing them frozen, add 1 minute per side when cooking with a skillet, grill or barbecue and add 5 minutes to the oven time. All cooking equipment is different. These are just guidelines.

out of your steak?
your steak?
Rare*: When you like your steak juicy and red, you have to grill it for 1-2 minutes and put it 6-8 minutes in the oven. It will be nice and rare.
Medium*: When you like your steak crunchy and pink, you have to grill it for 3 minutes and put it 4 minutes in the oven. It will be nice and medium.
Well-done*: When you like your steak fully cooked, you have to grill it for 4,5 minutes and put it in the oven for 1 minute. It will be nice and well-done.
* These levels of cooking a steak are influenced by the thickness of the meat and are just an indication. When preparing a steak, please check the firmness of the meat regularly.

Frozen in time… Fresh on your Plate